The Replay System

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The Replay System

Post by oTaCon » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:11 pm

Replays are local, meaning: if 5 different users join the same replay server, they will each be watching a replay file from their own local machine.

To watch a replay:

Navigate to your users\username\.armorcritical\replays folder:

Rename the replay file that you want to watch to 'replay':

Create a server named 'replay' . The map you choose doesn't matter, the correct map for the replay will load regardless of the map you select when creating the server:

Can't see the server you just created? Type /refresh into the lobby to refresh the server list.
When you join the server, the replay will load after a few moments, and start to play.

There are several commands available to you:
/replay goto <h> <m> <s> -- The replay will start over and advance to the time you input. '/replay goto 4 56' will move the replay to 4 minutes and 56 seconds on the replay timer. As you can see in the example, hour input is only necessary if trying to advance to a time of 1 hour or greater. The same concept applies for minutes. The replay moves at a high speed while advancing to this point.

/replay maxspeed <x> -- The maximum speed the replay will move (useful when using the /replay goto command). '/replay maxspeed 2' will limit the speed to double speed (much slower than the default goto speed) until it reaches the desired time.

/replayspeed <x> or /rs <x> -- Set the playback speed of the replay. '/rs 0.75' will slow the replay down to 75% of normal speed.

/replay at -- Sends the current replay time into the chat area.

/replay length -- Sends the total length of the replay to the chat.

/replay pause -- Pause replay playback.

/replay unpause -- Unpause replay playback.

/replay help -- Shows the in-game replay help tooltip in the chat area.

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